edited with photoshop

This section features a sampling of my work in editing photographs with filters, blending, clone brushing, cutting and pasting, and other features of Adobe Photoshop.


Photoshop has long been a favorite art medium. I often create twisted, surreal projects from photos of friends. This composition involves elements from five different stock photos. Model: Paige Cass. Created with Photoshop CS2.

Somewhat Concerned

This airbrushed background of a futuristic city under seige was a great backdrop for the mildly concerned look on the subject's face. Coordinating the local color pallet did a lot to pull the images, but adding few photoshop filters and effects gave her the airbrushed look that tied the foreground image to the background. Model: Sierra Sterler. Created with Photoshop CS.

Cory Noir

Cory Noir

The vast majority of my photo editing experience is done on photos of myself. Film Noir detective stories are some of my favorite, so I placed myself in that role in front a stock photo of the San Francisco skyline. Model: Cory Dorrough. Created with Photoshop CS2.


Cory Noir"

Another self portrait. There is something amazing about how two photos can be juxtaposed to create simple but interesting artwork. Model: Cory Dorrough. Created with Photoshop 7.

Suburban Decay

Suburban Decay"

Inspiration can come from anywhere. I was out walking and got a photo of a dying bug in the gutter and later that night, there was a wager involving a billiard ball fitting in my mouth. That's right, the billiard ball is not a Photoshop trick. Model: Cory Dorrough. Created with Photoshop 5.5.

Tree Nymph

Tree Nymph"

This photograph of my girlfriend had interesting shapes, but almost no foreground detail in the photo data, so darkening the foreground and replacing the sky with a gradient makes an interesting picture which could easily be turned into a vector graphic which could be blown up to wall-size and cut into vinyl. Model: Amelia Dang. Created with Photoshop CS3.



When you've done it right, nobody will be sure if you've anything at all. Model: Cory and Cory Dorrough. Created with Photoshop CS3.