Why do I need a website?
If you own a website, it probably hasn't given you much trouble or been too much of a cost, but what is your website doing to help your business? When you spend money on anything for your business, from the sign on your door to the ad in the paper, the idea is that your investment works for you and pays you back. Is your website working for you?
If you don't own a website, you've gotten along fine without one. So, why change a good thing? A website is a great way to show the world what you have to offer and can help streamline many aspects of your business, including customer service, orders, scheduling, payroll and marketing.
When someone goes to Google and types in "Donuts Palo Alto", "San Jose Bail Bonds", "San Francisco Dog Walker" or "Oakland Yoga", that person is obviously interested in learning more about some service or business in their area. When they search "Your business, Your town", are they seeing you, or are they seeing your competitors?
Below are a few types of businesses that can be helped with a website and ideas of what websites can do for them. Look around to see what a website can do for these businesses, and get ideas for your business.